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A New Place to Call Home

By Franklin Padilla, 07/04/22, 10:00PM EDT


Clinton County Mariners New Field

You know that feeling of excitement you get when you get a brand-new pair of shoes or when you open grandma’s Christmas card, and it is a crisp $100 bill? This feeling was introduced in Plattsburg, NY because at the start of the 2022 season, the Clinton County Mariners began play on a brand-new diamond. With the help of Fountain Brothers American Legion Post 1619 past Commander Ron Poland, the Mariners finally got their wish of a brand-new field. This took a lot of meetings, calls, and deals to finally go through, said Mr. Poland. 

I recently caught up with coach Gary Duquette of the senior team who played with the program in the 90’s and took over in 2015. With the team having a tremendous record of 12-4 he credited their success to their small pitching staff being able to perform at an elevated level, describing them as “more than capable” with them not allowing an earned run in 5 consecutive games. Their electric pitching staff is being accompanied by a well-rounded offense. Coach Duquette described their new field as an attraction to kids and families throughout the area because unlike other teams who share community fields, they have their own field to maintain and keep it in mint condition. With the help of social media, the Mariners have been able to spread their program through outlets like twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The words that stuck with me during our brief interview were “This program is here to stay.” This goes to show the passion and care behind the program, and I can tell this program will be in a good place in upcoming years.